
A common journey to optimal Pauper.

Acid Trip

Dominant mana:

Type: Midrange

Description: Acid Trip is a midrange deck revolving around the card Reality Acid. The enchantment is used to repeatedly force the opponent to sacrifice key permanents.

To speed-up the engine, the player tries to bounce Reality Acid without waiting for the Vanishing ability to resolve after the 3rd upkeep. Several cards can cause Reality Acid to leave the battlefield, such as Kor Skyfisher, Teferi’s Time Twist, Aethersnipe, Dream Stalker, and Drake Familiar. Bounce effects are also used directly on the opponent’s permanents whenever possible to control the board.

Once the board is in control, the player typically wins by beating with creatures like Seeker of the Way and Mulldrifter.


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Frequent cards

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Reference decks

Name Set name Set date Legal
Acid Trip 612.001.NalozycShade Theros Beyond Death 2020-01-24

Other decks

Name Set name Set date Legal
Acid Trip 576.001.anynewprovince Ravnica Allegiance 2019-01-25
Acid Trip 576.001.AzoriusFlavoredGamerGirlPee Ravnica Allegiance 2019-01-25

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