
A common journey to optimal Pauper.

MonoW Heroic

Dominant mana:

Type: Aggro

Description: MonoW Heroic is an explosive aggro deck based around cheap white creatures with the Heroic ability, such as Lagonna-Band Trailblazer and Akroan Skyguard. The deck bets on a protective buff strategy where the player can protect their creatures while leveraging the Heroic ability to pump them and win in the first 4-5 turns.

Staples of the archetype are Cartouche of Solidarity, Hyena Umbra, Benevolent Blessing, and their catalyzer Ethereal Armor. Auras are at the core of the deck, but anything that can target and protect a creature is welcome to the strategy (with the trade-off of not contributing to Ethereal Armor). For this reason, the deck also leverages some instants: Defiant Strike brings a bit of buff and card advantage, Emerge Unscathed brings more protection, and Karametra’s Blessing brings a combination of both.

Since MonoW Heroic does not need to fix mana in the early turns, creatures can be usually protected from the beginning of the game and opponents are left with a few options to deal with them. The most common way of dealing with creatures is via sacrifice effects, such as Chainer’s Edict, or by quickly resolving a removal spell before they get the needed protection. The opponent may also rely on Standard bearer to mostly disable the deck’s strategy. Some extra creatures are usually added to get a sufficiently high body count: Benevolent Bodyguard is often used to avoid Chainer’s Edict, while still providing extra protection, and Deftblade Elite compensates for the lack of removals and takes care of blockers.

Mono White Heroic has few interactions, a fast clock, low mana curve and all-in strategy that doesn’t offer many mid/late-game options. It’s one of the cheapest and competitive deck in the format.


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Reference decks

Name Set name Set date Legal
MonoW Heroic 696.001.Raven094 Innistrad: Midnight Hunt 2021-09-24
MonoW Heroic 651.001.Mathonical Commander Legends 2020-11-20

Other decks

Name Set name Set date Legal
MonoW Heroic 722.001.kalko Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty 2022-02-18
MonoW Heroic 584.001.dhalsinbh1 War of the Spark 2019-05-03


🗣️ Name Author Date
🇬🇧 A Pauper Primer to Mono W Heroic Raven 2021-10-17

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