
A common journey to optimal Pauper.


Aliases: Wonderwalls

Dominant mana:

Type: Combo

Description: Walls is a deck based around the mana generation capability of Overgrown Battlement and Axebane Guardian, that both produce mana equal to the total amount of defenders the player controls. Two main versions of the deck exists, with many sub-versions: combo and cascade.

The first version is a pure combo deck that allows to kill through infinite damage usually by turn 4, or to mill the opponent. Key cards to enable the combo are Galvanic Alchemist, Freed from the Real, and Secret Door.

The second version aims at quickly putting into play Boarding Party and Annoyed Altisaur, overwhelming the opponent on the board by turn 4-5.

A hybrid version of the two exists, with main deck cascade that can transform into combo with a transformational sideboard.


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Frequent cards

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Reference decks

Name Set name Set date Legal
Walls 722.002.apas72 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty 2022-02-18
Walls 696.001.HouseOfManaMTG Innistrad: Midnight Hunt 2021-09-24
Walls 658.001.Mathonical Kaldheim 2021-02-05

Other decks

Name Set name Set date Legal
Walls 722.001.apas72 Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty 2022-02-18
Walls 701.001.Terminus0 Innistrad: Crimson Vow 2021-11-19
Walls 658.001.NotGood Kaldheim 2021-02-05
Walls 612.001.Diego_Brando Theros Beyond Death 2020-01-24


🗣️ 📺 ⬇️ Title Author Date
🇮🇹   [ITA] Pauper WB Pestilene + Cascade Walls 01/05/2022 Adepto Terra 2022-06-08


🗣️ Name Author Date
🇬🇧 Pauper Walls Combo Andrea Passaro (apas72) 2022-03-11
🇬🇧 Anyway, Here’s Wonderwalls Paige Smith 2020-02-12
🇬🇧 Sideboard Guide ~
🇬🇧 Pauper Walls Discord ~

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